Monday, April 14, 2014

Tubes Times Two

Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor was today at Hopkins. 

The girls and I left the house at 6:30 AM today to make it to our 9 AM appointment. We picked the babysitter up on the way for another set of hands. The girls are such troopers! I can't believe we had to leave so early. 

Before we saw the ENT team Abigail had a hearing test done with their Audiologist. We learned that she has difficulty hearing some high pitches in her right ear. It isn't anything too worrisome at this point. The doctor will just monitor it. 

We moved on from the hearing test to the ENT team. Two Residents spoke with us first and then their doctor came in. I get the feeling the Residents like talking to us. Abigail and Elizabeth have a lengthy medical history and they have been through a lot. It's a good learning opportunity for them. 

Both girls have had about 5 ear infections since the last visit to the ENT doctor in November, so I was not surprised that the girls will need tubes. Their ears were clear today, but it's because they just finished 10 days of antibiotics yesterday for an ear infection. Go figure they would be clear today of all days. 

I haven't scheduled the tubes yet because I haven't talked to the scheduler. I was instructed to call Wednesday. Scheduling will be tricky since Elizabeth is about to start a month long rehab program, but we will work it out. 

I mentioned a few posts back that Abigail's Pulmonolgist stated that we might need to have Abigail's adenoids removed because she snores and has some sleep apnea. The ENT doc reviewed her sleep study results today and said that she agreed that she needed them out.  Abigail will have her tubes put in and get her adenoids out on the same day. She plans to keep Abigail for the night because she wants to motor her breathing after surgery because she has lung disease.

The girls are just about 18 months old now. This surgery means Abigail will be put under with anesthesia for the 3rd time and Elizabeth is on her 2nd time. That's a lot in their short life time. Some adults haven't even had anesthesia that much. 

The life of micro-preemies is never a boring one!   

The girls are happy to be home from the doctors! Now it's time to play! 

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy hearing the day-to-day things in a Mom's life of micro-preemies. I'm sure this is so helpful to those who are going through similar things. Yep, tubes are a sure thing if ear infections keep coming. We went thru that years ago. You're right about the girls being troopers, and so are Mom & Dad and your support group. I live to see those smiles...thanks for the update.
