Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter! A time to reflect

Here are a few pictures from our Easter.
Abigail and Elizabeth looked so cute in their dresses! They have to be the cutiest
set of twins around. Don't you agree?

As I enjoyed the day with family and friends I also did some reflecting. This time last year Abigail was still on oxygen and we were just starting to learn about Elizabeth's CP. 

When people say "what a difference a year makes" they couldn't be more right. Abigail doesn't need oxygen or her feeding tube anymore and Elizabeth is making very promising growth with walking. They still have a long road ahead, but when I look back on a years time, all I can be is thankful and proud.  

As I reflected I started to realize how anxious I am over Elizabeth getting ready to start her special therapy at Kennedy Krieger next week. I am nervous, excited, and worried all at the same time.

 I keeping thinking what if it doesn't work? What if she cries every day? What if I don't like the therapy team? What if I can't get into the Ronald McDonald House? And then I also worry about my students in my kindergarten class. I am a working mom, and I take my job very seriously. Taking a month off of work is no joke. 

I allowed myself just a few minutes yesterday to freak out. Let's be honest, sometimes we need it. I got all my fears out and then I just thought after a moment that all of those things really are minor. 

The therapy will work. She will get something out of it. 

If she cries, well then she cries. Babies cry sometimes.

 Kennedy Krieger is an amazing place and I know I will like the team. They are professionals. 

If I don't get into Ronald McDonald House I will get a hotel. That's what credit cards are for right? 

My kindergarteners will be okay without me. I have an amazing coworker who will watch over my class while I am gone. 

I have a busy week ahead of me and have things to do to get ready before she starts on Monday. I told myself yesterday no more freakin out! It's time to go into mommy mode and get things done! This time next year I will reflect again and I know in my heart I will be thankful that we decided to do this therapy. 

I will post updates on how her therapy is going once we start. :) 

Enjoy the pics!

I want to thank my very special friend Megan for talking to me last night about my fears. You really helped me put everything into perspective. :) You are an example of a true friend. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh wouldn't be the proud, concerned Mom you are without the worries. We'll continue our prayers here & my church family of grandmas.....some have gone through similar situations themselves with their families. Hope you Easter was nice. And you can spend a minute wondering what a 'difference this year, 2014, is going to make too. God Bless, K
