Tuesday, April 8, 2014

NICU Follow-Up Take 4

Yesterday was the 4th NICU Follow-Up appointment. I can't believe we are on 4 already! I always hate and love this appointment at the same time. 

Let's begin with the hates, or I really should say dislikes. My mother taught me not to say hate, so I will change it to dislike. Love you mom! :) 

The appointment always takes forever.  And what I mean by forever is FOREVER. We left the house at 11:30 and we didn't get home until 7:30 PM. That's a long time if you are keeping track.

I also dislike that no matter how well they are doing, I know I will hear that they are behind in some way. I know they are behind, but hearing about it is something else.

Now on to the likes. You will be happy to know that I have more likes than dislikes. 

I know I said that I hated that the appointments are long, but I also like it. The John's Hopkins NICU Follow-Up team is wonderful. They really check the girls out and they construct a good developmental screening.

I also like that the  during the appointment I can brag about how well the girls are doing and discuss their latest tricks. Like for example Elizabeth blows kisses to everyone she sees and Abigail has learned to say "tickle" and she will even stick her foot out so you'll tickle it. :)

I enjoy seeing familiar faces when we are there. Yesterday we ran into one of the NICU doctors that took care of the girls. She was very pleased with how they are doing and that made me proud. 

Finally I like that the team is on top of everything. They really listen to me and they are not afraid to refer me to someone else if needed. For example they scheduled Abby to see the same orthopedic team that follows Liz. 

I am concerned with Abigail's feet when she walks. She wants to stand with her feet pointed out like a V and she tries to walk that way too. She isn't walking yet independently, but is an amazing cruiser. 

When we are there at the appoint they go over how they are doing verbally and cognitively based on the developmental screenings they completed. The good news is I wasn't surprised by any of the results. 

I have always learn a lot when I go to the NICU Follow-Up appointments and I recommended other preemie parents stick with them. We were going ever 3 months, but now we don't have to return for another 6 so it does get less frequent. And that's another like! 

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