Friday, October 18, 2013

Touch Shy

When Abigail came home from the hospital she was very touch shy. She would cry every time her diaper was changed. It took several weeks after she was home for her to be comfortable with getting changed.  I had to sing to her and change her diaper as quickly as I could to try to make the experience easier on  her. I even went out and bought a wipe warmer in an attempt to help. 

When she was in the hospital she would drop her oxygen level or increase her heart rate when nurses checked on her. All they had to do was approach her and her levels would change.  It was explained to me that some premature babies have difficulty with touch. Abigail was touched during a time that she should have been in the womb, so her body just was not ready to be handled.  

Abigail still isn't a very cuddly baby, but she doesn't mind being changed or handled anymore which is great news. She is still very independent and at times needs her alone play time, but that's alright with me. :) She is perfect just the way she is! 

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting Melanie. Your blog must be so helpful to moms with little ones. And in Abigail's defense....we all need alone time now & then. She'll probably be an independent decision maker some day.
