Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Night Before My Delivery

This time last year I was laying in the hospital praying that my contractions would stop. My mom and my husband Dan sat with me in my hospital room trying to console me any way possible. I cried my eyes out and tried to be strong during my contractions.  It was the second time my contractions started , but this time the doctors wouldn't stop them in fear of the health of my babies. 

It was honestly the worst night of my life.  The doctors told me that night that I would be going in for a C-Section first thing in the morning. My doctors talked to the NICU and they planned for a 6 AM delivery time. My delivery was based on the availability of the NICU doctors and nurses because they needed a team big enough to take care of my girls. They explained to me that each girl would have their own team of doctors and nurses.  

That night the hospital Pastor came to talk to me, as he did several times during my bed rest days. He said something to me that totally turned around my sorrow and helped me to focus on what was ahead. He told me that I did my best and that this chapter was over. He told me that I needed to focus on the next chapter, the birth of my girls. He was right. I will never forget what he said and the support he gave me. God knew I needed to hear those words at that exact time. 

I spent the rest of the night dealing with contractions and trying to get mentally prepared. The next morning the team got ready and my girls were born. 

When Pastor David told me to focus on the next chapter it was truly the best advice for me. It is something I do every day. The girls still have a long road ahead of them, but they are doing great. I feel so blessed. Abigail and Elizabeth will be 1 year old tomorrow. It has been the hardest, saddest, scariest, and most challenging year of my life, but it has also been the best. My girls are a blessing and have made my life complete. I was put on this earth to be their mom and it is the best job in the world. 

Abigail Lynn Turner 

Elizabeth Sue Turner

*These pictures were taken after several weeks in the NICU.  I have pictures of the girls when they were first born, but it is still hard for me to look at them.  


  1. It was not to many days later that I met you and your family and I continue to pray for you all. I enjoy keeping up through FB and your blog. They are two wonderful miracles from
    God and he knew just the right Mom for them Melanie. Teresa Shand

    1. Thank you so much! You have been through a lot yourself. There is nothing like having a seriously ill child. Thankfully most people never have to experience it. I hope you and your family are well. Your girls are beautiful!

  2. Enjoy the Birthday weekend Turner Family! You know you are loved, thought of & prayed for constantly.

    1. Thank you so much. We are so thankful for the prayers.
