Wednesday, October 9, 2013

One Year Ago Today...

One year ago today I went to my local hospital in a panic and ended up getting medevaced to Baltimore a few hours later. That was one of the scariest days of my life. I was just 23 weeks pregnant at the time. Once I arrived at University of Maryland Hospital I stayed in a Labor and Delivery  ICU area. It was for other women having serious issues with their pregnancy and required careful monitoring. A woman in the room next to me for example  had some type of surgery while she was pregnant and was there recovering. After spending 3 days there I finally got  moved to my own room. I would spend the next 2 weeks there on full bed rest until the day the girls were born. 

I don't really like to think about that time. It was truly a miserable and terrifying first 3 nights at Maryland for me, but I am stronger because of it. I thank God for the medicine that stopped my labor because without it my girls would not be here. 

During that time a NICU doctor came to talk to me to discuss what might happen if I have my babies premature. She informed me of the risks and the challenges associated with prematurity.   She terrified me and it took everything out of me not to burst into tears. 

Despite everything I went through there are some people that truly touched my life during that time. 
To the two male paramedics that went with me on my helicopter flight you have no idea how grateful I am for your kindness. It was a very stressful time and your calmness helped me to stay calm too. Thank you. 

To the nurses at Maryland in the labor and delivery wing, you made me laugh when I was sad and you came to visit with me when I was lonely. And most importantly you comforted me when I was scared.  I will never forget that.  You all hold a special place in my heart!

My delivery journey was a scary one.    I  just focus on the now and on my two beautiful girls. 

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Melanie! Glad to hear everything ended up well! I'm Heather and I was wondering if you could answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
