Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Liquid Gold- Breast Milk

I saw this and couldn't help but to laugh. It is so true. I have spilled some and wanted to cry! 

I pumped until the girls were a little older than 6 months.  It got to be too much when they were both home and I was working. I tried my best to pump 2 to 3 times at work, but then I would have to get up a couple of times during the night to make up the difference and it just got to be too much with taking care of twins. 

I am very proud of my pumping though. During the NICU days all I could really do for them was pump.  One thing that can happen to premature babies is something called Necrotizing Enterocolitis or NEC. It is extremely dangerous and it can be life threatening. NEC is an infection that causes destruction of the bowel.  The one thing that has proven to help prevent it is breast milk. Once the doctors gave me that info my number one goal became to pump like crazy. 

 I had a pump that I kept at the Ronald McDonald House and then the hospital let me use one while I was there. The NICU nurses love breast milk and often the very first thing they would say to me before even hello was, " Do you have any fresh?" And most of the time I did. 

Looking back I am proud of myself. Pumping can be hard work. I am happy to say that I feed my twins the entire time they were in the NICU. They both never got NEC and I know in my heart it is because of the breast milk. 

To any NICU moms out there I really recommend trying to pump. I know it is hard work and it is difficult with everything that is going on and all the emotions you are experiencing, but it truly can make a difference. 

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