Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ready or's flu and RSV season

I think I need to post this picture all over the place. Flu season is coming friends.  There isn't anything worse than Flu season to a preemie mom. I have already scheduled the girls flu shots for the end of the month and have put in paperwork for them to get the RSV vaccine. 

RSV is Respiratory syncytial virus. It causes an infection in the lungs and breathing passages.  In adults symptoms are similar to the common cold, but in premature babies RSV can be very serious and  it can lead to other more serious illnesses.

RSV is highly contagious and can be spread through coughs or sneezes. It also can live on surfaces and on hands and clothing. So wash your hands often friends!  RSV can spread rapidly through schools and childcare centers. This is scary news for a preemie mom that is also a kindergarten teacher! This is why I change my clothes as soon as I get home from work. The threat of RSV is the number one reason why we decided to get an Au pair. I refuse to take the girls to daycare. 

My girls qualify for the RSV vaccine again, but I did have to get their Pulmonologist to fill out a referral for their pediatrician.  The RSV vaccine isn't authorized for all babies, but my advice for NICU/preemie moms is to request to get it and fight for it. The vaccine is very expensive and I don't believe health insurances like to pay for it, but it's worth the fight! 

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