Monday, September 2, 2013

Down on the Farm

This weekend we took the girls to a berry farm in Colonial Beach. It was our first official family trip together. It was one of the best times I have had in a long time. It is so nice to be able to take the girls out and do things as a family. Abigail can go off of her oxygen for up to 3 hours at a time now so it is a lot easier to do things. The oxygen doesn’t bother me, but I really can’t stand the looks we always get when we are out. I think it upsets people to see a young child on oxygen and I honestly think they are confused by it.  While we were at the farm we let the girl’s pet the goats. Elizabeth loves dogs so I figured she would like the goats.  My theory was that a goat was kind of like a dog but just bigger. Elizabeth of course loved the goat and grabbed him by his horns immediately. Abigail looked very seriously at the goat and checked him out. It is so neat to see their personalities developing. It was an amazing time. I love going out together as a whole family. It is something we haven’t really had a chance to do yet.  Sadly with cold and flu seasons approaching we won’t really be able to get many more trips in, but I look forward to the family trips to come!



  1. I love the pics! Glad you had fun! There will be a ton more to come! I can't wait to come with you as well ;-)
