Saturday, November 22, 2014

Chicken Pox, Eye appointment, and ENT appointment- Oh My!

So this week was officially crazy. My girls both had the chicken pox vaccine last week and Elizabeth ended up getting the chicken pox. Just our luck right?! 
Luckily she didn't have a really bad case and she was her normal self. She was able to get over them quickly, but Thursday and Friday she ended up with a fever, which I thought was odd because she was pretty much over her chicken pox. 

Dan took her to the pediatrician Friday morning and she now has an ear infection. My poor baby. She can't catch a break. 

Abigail never ended up getting the chicken pox. Knock on wood she doesn't ever! 

We had an eye appointment and ENT appointment scheduled for both girls this past week, but since Liz had the pox she had to stay home and Abigail just went ahead to the appointment. 

Both of Abigail's appointments went very well. Her eye sight is the same as last time and she doesn't need glasses "yet." It is very common for preemies to need glasses, so I am pretty surprised so far we haven't needed them. 

Her ENT doc said she looked good and that both tubes are still there. This was news to me because we had two other docs say she was missing at least one of them. That's why it is always good to leave it to the specialist. She doesn't have to go back for 6 months so that makes me happy. 

Here are a few pics of my girls. I can't stress enough now incredibly difficult it is to get a photo of them both smiling and looking. 

And one silly pic of them fighting over the same toy... Any guesses who won?

1 comment:

  1. Never a dull moment! Good news at the eye appointment. Sorry the chicken pox had to appear. I had to laugh, Mel, when you said how hard it is to get them to both look & smile. ALL your pics are smiling girls, so it seems so easy to us who love to see them. Thanks for taking the time. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm excited about Walt & Jenn and boys coming for Thanksgiving.
