Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tummy Troubles and Other News

As some of you may know, Elizabeth has had nothing but diarrhea  and loose poo since January. Sorry so gross but that's my news for the day.  If you don't like poo talk you should stop reading now. :) 

I was able to get Elizabeth in to see Abigail's GI doctor who I love. It was difficult at first to get her an appointment because she is not currently seeing any new patients according to the scheduling line. Well let's just say it pays to have your doctors personal e-Mail address because when I told her the scheduling line wouldn't let me make a new patient appointment with her she quickly e-mailed me back and gave us authorization to see her. Point for me! 

Any who, Elizabeth's appointment was this morning at 8. I told the doctor in detail everything that I have done to get her tummy troubles under control. 

-BRAT diet 
-soy milk

The doctor was impressed with everything I have tried and agreed that something was off.

I would like to mention that I took Elizabeth twice to the pediatrician before this and they had no real concern because she was still gaining weight. Well I still have concern because having nothing but diarrhea for 4 months isn't normal. It pays to have good insurance because I didn't even bother with getting a referral. 

Her doctor ordered blood tests to see if anything pops up. They will check for food allergies, a vitamin deficiency, celiac disease, and they will also run a full blood work panel. They took 7 vials of blood.  Yes seven! She screamed her head off and it was miserable. We will get the results in about 1 week or so. 

The doctor did mention something called "toddler diarrhea." It's name says it all. It's literally that toddlers get diarrhea. I am hoping it is that, but even the doctor thought it was possibly more. She says it's been going on for a while so she wasn't convinced it was just that.

Of course I will keep you posted. The life of micro preemie is never dull!

Abigail also had a pulmonology appointment today and it went really well. Since she had an appointment today she stayed the night with us at the Ronald McDonald House. We learned that se will have to repeat her sleep study in July. This makes me sad, but we got to do, what we got to do. The good news is her doctor decreased her inhaler and her lungs sounded good and clear. Woo hoo!

After the appointments we headed to Elizabeth's therapy at KKI. She was very fussy, but I really think she was still mad about the blood work. 

It has been a long, long, long day. It was so nice to see Abigail. I miss her already. I will be home tomorrow, so I will get more time with her. I can't believe we have almost 2 weeks done already. 2 more weeks to go! 

Abigail photobomb!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Melanie......never a dull moment! It seems so little to keep saying the prayers continue, but I think of you & your family continually. Our parish prayer group is constantly praying for everyone. I just sent some of your pictures of the girls around to my grandma friends yesterday. Hang in there!
