Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hello Tubes and Goodbye Adenoids

I am sitting here in Abigail's hospital room reflecting on the day. It's been a very long day, but it is finally coming to an end. 

I woke the girls up at 4:45 AM to try to get them to drink something before their surgery.  Elizabeth willingly drank some juice and Abigail just looked at me like I was crazy.  I then got them dressed and ready to go. We got to the hospital at 7. The were scheduled at 9 and 9:30. 

Elizabeth was first. She had tubes placed in her ears to help with the many ear infections she has had. Her procedure was very quick and she was in and out. She did great and had no issues. 

Abigail was next. She had her adenoids out and tubes put it. She had to have her adenoids out to help with her sleep apnea and like Liz needed tubes to help with ear infections. 

FYI- Abigail does not like doctors and nurses. She has pretty much had it with them. Her days in the NICU and all of her doctors appointments have really put her over the edge, so I knew today would be a challenge. 

Once she was in the recovery room she became very upset. She has been under anesthesia before, so I knew it wasn't just waking up. Abigail was in pain and didn't want anyone messing with her. 

Her recovery room nurse was great despite Abigail's strong opinion of her. She stayed on top of her pain and did everything she could to make her happy. She ended up getting some extra pain meds to help calm her down. I was very thankful for that. 

After a few hours they moved us up to her room for the night. After a while I noticed her eyes were swollen  and she had a rash on her checks and under her eyes. The doctor thought she was having an allergic reaction, so they gave her Benadryl. 
Just my luck something else would come up. 

She is sleeping now peacefully and I am laying on the little parent bed next to her. She is so precious and I can't believe how strong she is. This is her 3rd surgery and she isn't even 2.  It doesn't seem fair, but it is the life we live. 

I still can't believe everything they have gone through and bring back at the hospital is just a reminder of our journey. A few doctors today said that they looked great...They are not just great, they are completely wonderful.   

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