Friday, May 2, 2014

1 week down... 3 more to go

Elizabeth has officially completed week 1 of her therapy. The first few days were very hard. She doesn't cry but she is upset. She kind of yells in frustration at times which is difficult to watch. The cast is very heavy and it is hard for her to hold up the extra weight. It just really surprises me with all our modern technology there isn't anything else she can wear that would do the same job but wouldn't be so uncomfortable and heavy.

As the week went on I think she got a little more comfortable with it. I am surprised that I can notice a little difference already with the use of her hand. I pray it continues.

Being gone was hard. I really missed Abigail. It was the first time I have been away from her since she came home from the hospital. Thank goodness for FaceTime and video messages.

I am at staying at the Ronald McDonald House again. I haven't been back since the girls were in the NICU. There was a moment that I got a little teary-eyed while I was there holding Elizabeth. I just thought to myself that last time I was here I didn't even know if you  would ever get better. She has come a long way and so has Abigail.

When I am at Ronald McDonald House I see other parents and how tired they look and it reminds me that I am not alone. There are other parents out their dealing with difficult situations too and they could be even harder than mine. It helps me realize I am not alone and things could be even worse. 

We have 3 more weeks of therapy to go. Elizabeth has already worked so hard, but I know she is tough and will keep it up. Next week both girls have some additional doctors appointments at Hopkins so it will be a busy week. I of course will keep you posted. 

I want to say thank you to my amazing friends out there that took the time to wish us luck Monday morning or contacted me this week to see how she is doing. You are all an amazing support to me and true friends. 

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you constantly. And the prayers are constant too. Glad to hear it wasn't too bad for Elizabeth the 1st week. And you can see some improvement......there must be a reason why the therapy is as it hopefully you'll see more improvement each week. Thanks for the update.
