Saturday, August 23, 2014

Proud Working Mom

I am officially back to work on Monday after a very nice and full summer. 

The girls and I played, swam, shopped, cuddled, sang, colored, and we went to lots of therapy of course. 

It was a really nice summer and I am always thankful for the time I get to spend with them. They are both amazing! 

Being a working mom has its challenges. Balancing doctors appointments, therapy sessions, and now day care can be hard. I have no choice but to keep a very detailed calendar and I stay very busy. Despite the challenges, I believe this is what is right for us. 

I want my girls to be independent and self sufficient one day.  The expectation will be for them to work hard like I have. I am proud of my education and my work habits and I want to set a good example. I want them to be strong women! Women who can support themselves and be anything they want to be! 

I am proud to be a working mom and I hope to be their role model one day, like my mother has been for me.  My mother always worked and was an amazing and dedicated mom. She still is!

It's not for every family, but it is the right fit for us. 

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