Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Health Insurance and Early Intervention

As I previously mentioned I attended a preemie conference last Sunday. I learned a lot of information about reaching developmental milestones and taking advantage of therapies, but one thing that I liked most of all was speaking to other parents. It was comforting to know that I was not alone and there are other parents out there learning to take care of preemies just like me. 

I spoke to one mom and it made me realize how well my girls are doing and how lucky I am to have the job I do with the wonderful health benefits I receive.  The mom I spoke to told me about her twins who are currently 20 months old. One of her twins has CP like Liz. He is 20 months old and is just now learning to crawl. She told me that her insurance will only cover 26 visits a year. If you do the math, that is only 2 therapy visits a month. My heart hurts for this mom. She was clearly trying to do and learn anything she could to help her children, but insurance has caused a road block.  

Since Elizabeth is diagnosed with CP my insurance plan has NO limit on the amount of therapy sessions she can receive. When I think about how far my girls have come I know a lot of it is because of all the OT/PT therapy they receive and all that I have learned to do with the girls at home from their therapists. 

The conversation with the mom made me realize how much this country needs healthcare reform. That 20 month year old preemie should be able to receive all the therapy he needs in order to have the best chance possible to move and control his body like he needs and wants to. 

During the conference the doctors and therapist stressed over and over the importance of early intervention.  I encourage new preemie moms out there to start therapy as soon as possible! I known it works. Abigail and Elizabeth are reaching milestones daily. They may still be a little behind, but I know it would be way worse without the interventions we have received so far. 

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