Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It Takes A Village

The old saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child. Who ever coined this phrase was a genius.

I am fortunate enough to have a "village" to help me with my girl. My girls village consist of grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles, Godparents, and some wonderful friends. Currently Abby and Liz have outpatient therapy 3 days a week. I honestly wouldn't have been able to go back to work this school year if it wasn't for the amazing people in my life that have offered to help. The girls' therapy is the most important thing in our lives right now, and I would give up anything to get them there. Luckily I have help. My wonderful friend and Abigail's Godmother Nancy has offered to take the girls to their therapy session on Tuesdays. My grandparents (the girls' great grandparents) are taking them on Wednesdays. Finally, my dad and my sister-in-law Amanda will work together to take the girls on Fridays. I just want to take the time to say THANK YOU for all of your help. We couldn't do it without you!  

My advice to NICU and preemie moms is to take the help when it is offered to you. I had a hard time excepting help when the girls first came home, but the truth is I couldn't do it alone. Ask for help when you need it and if someone offers to help, take them up on their offer. 


  1. it takes a village was coined by hillary clinton from her book that she wrote a few years ago by that name. i enjoy your blog. thanks for all you do.

  2. Hillary took it from an African proverb. The original author Is unknown.

