Friday, August 14, 2015

Doctors and More Doctors

These are the 8 doctors that follow my girls regularly.

Pediatric Eye doctor
ENT doctor
Physical Medicine doctor

And Abigail will be seeing an Endocrinologist and possibly an Infectious Disease doctor soon. 

When the girls were in the NICU no one really prepared me for the amount of doctors appointments that would be in our future.  I don't mind the appointments, but there can be a lot of paperwork and things to remember.  

For some reason my brain has developed some type of super memory power because I can  tell you anything you need to know about their medical history starting from day one. This isn't true in other areas of my life. I am the type of person that usually has to write myself a note to remember. I can remember everything, but I needed a way to organize all the paperwork I received after each appointment. 

I have always liked to be organized so I now keep a binder with all of the girls important documentation. I totally recommend this is other NICU/preemie moms. The amount of paperwork you will get will totally surprise you. I have dividers in my binder to help me stay organized. Some of my dividers include pulmonary, GI, and Ortho.  This seems to be the only way I can keep track of all of their records and documentation. I even have a separate binder for their physical/occupational therapy documentation. 

For their first few doctors appointments I brought the binder with me so I could refer back to it if I needed it for anything. I don't bring it with me anymore,  but after every appointment I file away their appointment documents in the binder. 

I totally recommend NICU moms to get yourself a binder or develop your own method of organization because there will be a ton of doctors appointments and documents in your future. 

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