Monday, June 2, 2014

Abigail's Orthotics

Abigail was diagnosed with Hypotonia at her last appointment with her orthopedic and physical medicine doctor.  If someone has Hypotonia it means they have low muscle tone and/or reduced muscle strength. 

Abigail is 19 months old now (16 months corrected) and isn't currently walking independently. Abigail will walk while holding on to stuff some, but her weak muscles make balancing difficult. 

The hypotonia could be the result of her being a micro preemie or it could
be a result of the brain bleeds she had after birth. We may never know what caused it but it's not really important what caused it.  What is important is getting Abigail up on her feet and getting 
the ankle and foot support she needs. 

During the appointment her doctors recommended that she wear foot orthotics to give her extra foot and ankle support. 

I have already noticed an improvement with the orthotics on. The last few days she actually started taking a few steps independently. She is so pleased with herself that whenever she does it she claps for herself. She is so stinking cute! 

The company that made Abigail's orthotics is called Access Orthotics. If you can remember, l had difficulty getting Elizabeth's orthotic made correctly , so I decided to try some place new.  

The company came highly 
recommended by Abigail's physical medicine doctor. The owner is David Harris and he really knows his stuff. He took the time to really explain to me what the orthotic are designed to do. 

You can check them out at: 

We will be using them again in the future. I am so glad we found a good place because I know more orthotics are in our future. 


1 comment:

  1. Clapping for yourself is always a good thing. You never have to wonder if someone saw you, just praise whatever you did. These helped Christopher so much too. It's great what they have available for the little ones, so Mom's & Dad's can start early. Keep up the good work Abby.
