Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Abigail GI Update

A few weeks ago Abigail pulled her G-tube out. I always knew it was going to happen and finally it did. The day it came out I called over to her doctors office to just let her doctor know it was out. 

Abigail had not been using it for 2 months, but her GI doctor was just being conservative by leaving it in just a little longer to watch her weight pattern. When I left a message with the nurse she instructed me to put in the replacement G-tube that we had at home. I told the nurse that the G-tube hole in her tummy had already began to close up. The nurse then told me that I needed to take her to the closest hospital in the area so they could dilate the hole and get  a replacement in. I told the nurse that Abigail was a twin and that I was home alone with them and that I wasn't going to bring my infant preemie twins to the hospital to replace a G-tube that she wasn't even using. 

The nurse the proceeded to lecture me on the importance of her weight gain and that she may need the tube in. Well, lets just say this really upset me because no one knows more than me the importance of her weight gain. It is one thing that is always on my mind, so I told the nurse exactly that. I then told her to just let the doctor know her tube was out and ended the call. Her doctor later called me and we came up with a plan. 

Since that phone call I have been working like crazy to try to get Abigail to eat and gain weight. I have been trying different foods to see what she likes and adding calories to her formula per the doctors orders. I was determined for her to gain weight without the tube. 

Fast forward to today...
Abigail had her regular check up with her GI doc. She has an appointment every 3 months. Today she weighed 17 pounds and 2 ounces! That was a great weight gain for her. Her doctor was pleased and said that she gained more weight than expected!  So we did it! Take that mean nurse! 

The doctor now wants me to introduce yogurt on this crazy schedule to see how her tummy handles it.  On to the next battle. :) 

Just remember moms we have to speak up for our precious babies and remember moms know best. 

Here is a pic of the little scar left behind from the G-tube. 


  1. I can see that 17 lbs 2 ozs. Yogurt here we come. Tell Abby I said yogurt is great.
    Good job Mommy & thanks for sharing.

  2. I hope she likes it. She normally doesn't like things that are cold so we will see what she does!
    Thanks for the support!
