Tuesday, August 11, 2015

What a day...

Yesterday was a crazy day.

Abigail's endoscopy showed that she still has pretty bad thrush in her esophagus, despite the 21 day anti-fungal meds she was previously on.

Her doctor is very concerned and will be consulting with an endocrinologist and an infectious disease doctor. They took more biopsy and tomorrow she will have to get a ton of blood work done. She will also be on another 21 day round of anti fungal meds, but this time it is a lot higher dose. 

Her doctor gave me a long lists of things that could be causing her thrush and some are concerning. Doctors love to scare you to death. 

Hopefully we will rule some of the things out once her biopsies and  blood work come back. 

I am happy to report that her lungs did great yesterday despite the bad news. She didn't need any oxygen and she didn't have to stay the night. This was great news!

As if the day wasn't already difficult enough, I got contacted by Elizabeth's physical therapist while Abigail was in the recovery room. Her therapist believed that Elizabeth had a seizure during therapy yesterday. This would be her very first seizure, but I have always known that people with CP have an increase risk of having seizures.

We contacted her old neurosurgeon's office and they instructed us to bring her in to the emergency room. Once I got home with Abigail, I turned right back around and headed for Baltimore with Elizabeth. If your keeping track- that makes the second trip to Baltimore in one day. 

The ER docs thought that she looked clinically great and referred us to the seizure clinic at Hopkins. They did believe that the description of what Elizabeth experienced did indeed sound like she had a seizure. 

This morning I called the clinic and schedule an appointment with the seziure clinic at Hopkins. 

It was a long day yesterday. I left at 5 AM and didn't finally get home until 9 PM. Even though it was a long day, both of my girls were home snug in their beds at the end of the day and in otherwise good health. 

I'll keep everyone updated as I get more info. As always thanks for all of the love, support, and prayers.

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