Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Waiting Game

If you are human, the chances are you have had to wait on results before. It could have been results from an exam at school, results from your work evaluation, or even medical results.  

There is nothing fun about waiting around for results. When the girls were in the NICU I spent a lot of time waiting around for results. Results from blood word, ultrasounds, eye exams, EEG tests, and on and on. 

Waiting on results really can test your patients. If you are like me, you want results NOW, but that's just impossible. 

There is an old saying, Good things come to those that wait." Pardon my French but that is just B.S. I have waited plenty and it didn't always turn out wonderfully.
The saying should really be changed to something like...
Sometimes good things happen to those that wait and other times it's crap

This rant brings me back to why I am writing this post in the first place. I am obviously waiting on results.  Abigail had her third and hopefully final sleep study on July 25th. Sleep study results take about 2-3 weeks to get back, so I have had to do a lot of waiting lately. I decided today that I have patiently waited long enough and it was time to call and check on things.

I spoke to what seemed to be a nice enough woman on the phone today. I told her I was calling for the results from my daughters last sleep study.

She immediately response, "The doctor will be out of the office until the end of the month."

I think for a second and say, "I am not sure I can wait a few more weeks to speak to her. She had to have her adenoids removed due to the results from her second sleep study and I am curious to know if it helped her at all."

She responses, "I'll take a message for her. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful."

And I respond, "According to her last sleep study she had several episodes of apnea each hour.  Is there anyone else that can give me the results please?"

She responds, "Her pediatrician may be able to go over the results with you."

Hmmm... This is the problem when your child sees several specialists, the pediatrician doesn't even know you do things like sleep studies. They are really out of the loop on things.  When you see several specialists Pediatrician visits are limited to getting shots and if you are sick with a cold. 

I don't really say anything back and she can sense my frustration.
"I can tell you that the results say there was nothing abnormal. And that is all I can really say. I'll pass the message on to the doctor and when she returns she will call."

I thank her and hang up. Well, I am officially back in the waiting game then. I guess nothing abnormal is good news, but I really need to hear it from the doctor. 

I'll update you all when I get more information. Meanwhile, I'll hope the old saying is true and I'll get good news. :) 

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