Saturday, April 19, 2014

5 appointments in one day... Oh My!

It's my spring break, so I have been trying to get some appointments done. 

Wednesday the girls literally had 5 appointments. We left the house at 7 AM and got home about 6 PM. It was another long day. 

The girls had appointments at Kennedy Krieger to see their Physical Medicine Doctor and their Orthopedic. They each had an appointment with both, so that made up 4 appointments. We then had Elizabeth's Pulmonary check up at Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital, so that made up the 5th appointment.

While at Kennedy Krieger both girls had hip X-rays. Liz got a hip X-ray because of her CP. Children with CP are at risk for hip problems. The good news is her hips looked exactly how they looked about 5 mounts ago, so the doctor is pleased there has been no change. 

Abigail got a hip X-ray as well but for a different reason. She has dimples in her skin where her hips are. The dimples are concerning and the doctor has been monitoring them. During this visit Abigail had a hip X-ray done so the doctor could take a deeper look. It turns out that her right hip is currently out of socket a little. She will need a repeat hip X-ray during her next visit. There was no real explanation as to why it is out, they will just keep watching it. 

The orthopedic diagnosed Abigail with Hypotonia during the visit too. It basically means she has poor and reduced muscle tone. She is weak and isn't walking yet by herself. They are not sure what might have caused the hypotonia. It could be the fact that she is a micro-preemie, it could be because she had her brain bleeds and hydrocephalus, or it could be "a preemie thing." I just hate the "preemie thing" explanation, but I have learned to deal with it. 

The orthopedic wrote up a script for some short orthotics that she will wear with her shoes. I have an appointment next week to take her to get fitted for them. Just what we need, more appointments. 

Now on to Liz. Elizabeth's doctors are happy with how she is doing, but they are looking forward to her starting her constraint therapy on the 28th. I can't believe it's a week away already. I am nervous already. 

We left Kennedy Krieger and had a little more than an hour so we visited my good friend Anna and her son Nicholas in the city. Nicholas is a fellow micro-preemie friend and the girls got to play with him for a little. It was the first time the girls have had any interactions with another baby so it was fun to watch. They were mesmerized by him and I was glad to see them together. 

After Anna's we went on to the Pulmonologist.  Elizabeth is doing well and the doctor even said we can stop her inhaler this summer. She may need it here and there if she gets a cold, but overall her lungs sound good and they are getting strong. 

It was a long, long, LONG day. The good news is we knocked out a
bunch of appointments. My girls continue to be amazing and I continue to learn and figure everything out as I go. 

Notice one shoe on and one shoe off. 
Waiting for the doctor 

I want to thank my mom for coming along to help. Couldn't have done it without you. 

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