Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy Homecoming Elizabeth!

Elizabeth has officially been home for 1 year! Happy homecoming Elizabeth! You are a very special girl and you are loved so much. 

As some of you may be aware, Abigail actually came home from the hospital before Elizabeth. Abigail was able to come home sooner because she had a feeding tube and she was still on oxygen. 

After Abigail was discharged from Johns Hopkins Elizabeth was transferred to Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital in PG county. She had to remain in the hospital because she was dropping her heart rate when she drank her bottles. It didn't happen with each bottle, but she wasn't able to leave the hospital until the problem got under control.  She basically drank so fast that she wouldn't take a breath. 

Despite her being a little closer to home, the time when Abigail was home and Elizabeth was still in the hospital was extremely hard. I was able to really bond with Abigail and develop a schedule and poor Elizabeth was still stuck in the hospital. I watched Abigail during the day and then visited Elizabeth at night when Dan got home from work. I cried every night when I left her in the hospital and my heart literally felt broken. 

Finally after almost 3 weeks she was able to come. It was seriously one of the happiest days of my life. My family was finally all together.
Coming home from the hospital

Finally back together with my sister

The first thing I did when I got home with Elizabeth was put both girls are my lap


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