Saturday, January 18, 2014

Can you get your money back?

This week I took Elizabeth to see a new specialist at Kennedy Krieger. The doctor is a Physical Medicine doctor. The doctor was really wonderful and looked her over really well. He works with Elizabeth's orthopedic and they will even do appointments together. This information was music to my ears. Two doctors and just one appointment. :) 

The appointment was to assess her CP and to see what suggestions he had to help with her range of motion. He said that Botox could be in her future as well as a surgery on her calf muscle, but no real timeline when that might happen yet.
He also believes that she is a candidate for constraint therapy, so he has referred us to the constraint therapy team at Kennedy Krieger. I didn't even know such a team even existed, but we will be seeing them soon. 

I really don't want to complain, but here I go just because I need to get it out-I was told appointments will slow down but that was bologna! It seems every time I leave one appointment we end up with a new specialist to see and more appointments! Ahhhh!  Okay I vented now I can move on. :)

Alright back to the appointment.
So the doctor then looked at Elizabeth's new orthotic and literally said "Do you think you can get your money back?" He really didn't like the way it was fitting her so he wrote up a new script for a new one. I am now in communication with the old orthotic place to stop the claim to insurance so I can take her some place different. Of course they want an opportunity to fix the old one so we will see what happens. I will keep you all posted on how this all works out. Keep your fingers crossed I don't have to put up too much of a fight! I have wonderful insurance. It is probably the best around, but you know how it is, they don't like to make it easy on us. 

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