Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Graham’s Foundation

The Graham’s Foundation is a foundation specifically for preemie parents. It is a non-profit organization founded in 2009 by Jennifer and Nick Hall in memory of their son, Graham.  The foundation supports the parents by providing free care packages during their journey in the NICU and transition home.The foundation's website provides a place for parents to share their stories and find support. When my girls were in the hospital my mother requested a care package for my girls from the foundation. The package was great and it let me know that people were thinking about me and I wasn't alone. To any NICU parents out there I really recommend that you visit the website. On the website you can communicate with other NICU/ preemie parents. The website even has cool merchandise you can buy like T-shirts and buttons to support preemies.

If you are not a preemie parent but you are looking for a way to support preemie/NICU parents, you can make a donation directly on the website or you can buy something at their online auction online. All the money they receive helps support preemie parents like me. I am very thankful for all the good work the Graham’s Foundation does.

You can visit their website at

Monday, July 28, 2014

Play Time

Today I took the girls to the indoor place area at the mall. It was their first time and they loved it.

I am still super scared of germs so I thought a Monday would be a good day to go.

There were a few other kids there too. The girls love other people and they went right up to them. It makes me feel really good about my decision to put them in day care. 

It was a good way for them to get some of their energy out and I got a work out too running around after them. 

We ended the visit to the mall with their first soft pretzel. Yummy! :) It was a great day. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day Care It Is

This week Dan and I decided to take the girls to a Day Care/ Preschool instead of having a nanny come to the house like we have done previously.  It was a big decision and something not taken very lightly.

Since the girls have been home from the NICU we have had a nanny come to our home. It was truly the best decision at the time. It was easier for me to get to work in the morning. Taking 2 infants to a day care just seemed really difficult. Also, since Abigail has weaker lungs her Pulmonologist recommended that the girls stay home away from the germs/colds that other children carry. One sickness could have sent her right back to the hospital.

Last winter was very successful and with caution they never got a serious cold or the flu. Abigail's doctors were all very happy with how she did over the winter and since she is bigger now, that means her lungs are bigger too and stronger. 

Of course Abigail's Pulmonologist suggested staying home one more year with a nanny because she always sides with caution, so Dan and I made an effort to find another nanny for next school year. I interviewed a few people, but I just didn't love anyone. 

Since I am a teacher I understand the importance of a peer model and learning from others. Elizabeth is so smart and she needs to be challenged and Abigail is very busy so she needs something more than staying home. I really thought maybe the girls would like day care and since I couldn't find a great nanny, I felt that it was time. 

I decided to research the local day cares in my area and I talked to some of my working mommy friends for advice.  A good friend of mine recommend the place where her daughters go, so I went and checked it out.  I loved it and we decided to sign the girls up! 

The girls will be in a class with 4 other kids and they will have two teachers. They have their first teachers! I can't believe it. They are getting so big. 

I am of course worried about how they will do this winter and I feel NUCU Micro-Preemie mom guilt,  but they can't stay home forever. I know they are ready. 

They will sing, dance, have circle time, do crafts, have breakfast and lunch, enjoy two snacks, have rest time, and they will get to play. I think it sounds so much fun. Maybe I should ask if they have space for one more. I want to go! :) 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just Cause

Just a couple of cute sayings.

I couldn't agree more! :) 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

An Abigail Lynn Update

Abigail had two appointments this week. She saw her eye doctor and also her GI doctor.

Her eyes look good but she is farsighted. I learned that this is not a "preemie thing" which almost made me fall out of my seat because everything usually is "a preemie thing." Preemies are normally nearsighted so Abigail's farsightedness is all her. 

She will most likely need glasses but not yet. We will reevaluate in 4 months when she has to go back.

We did get some good new- NO MORE PATCHING!!! This is great news because I won't have to fight with her to keep it on. And when I say fight, I mean Abigail getting angry and ripping it off and me trying to distract her and put it back on. It's just great that I don't have to worry about it anymore.

Her left eye is still a little "lazy" at times. I notice it more when she is tired, but the doctor doesn't think it's significant enough to patch over. Yay!

Alright, on to the GI doctor. She saw her GI doctor who I have always really liked on Tuesday. She was very happy with her weight and height. She is in the 12% for her weight and 30% for height. She is on the chart! When she is 2 she wants us to stop her high calorie formula and just switch her to whole milk. Should be interesting when that happens.

And the best news ever- We Don't Have To Go Back!!! Yes friends, we are officially done with the GI doctor (unless some other issue comes up of course).  

Overall a good week for appointments. July 25th Abigail will have what I hope is her last sleep study. I will keep you all posted on that too.

Enjoy your weekend friends! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

5 Facts About Going Out In Public With Twins

People react and say all kids of stuff to you when you have twins. This is what I have learned about life with twins so far. 

1. Everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE you go people will always ask "Are they twins?" And for some reason they yell this. 

2. Sometimes people will see me out and actually say- "Double Trouble!" I normally just flash a little smile but under my breathe I say "How dare you call my perfect angels trouble!" 

I have come up with the perfect response-  
They are not trouble. They are a double blessing. :)

3. I also get-  "Boy-Girl Twins?" -Um noooo. They are wearing the same pink or purple outfit. What makes you think I dressed a son like that?  Plus they usually have ponytails in their hair. Come on people! Please don't call my beautiful daughters a boy. In no way do they look like a boy. 

Let's make a rule friends- 
It's just like you don't ask a woman who has gained some weight if she is pregnant. If you don't know a gender of a baby don't say anything. Just comment on how cute they are. That is always safe and very kind. 

4. To any new mom out their with new twins be prepared for looks everywhere you go. The good thing is I can look a hot mess and know that I will pretty much be invisible because everyone will be looking at the girls and will not even notice me.

5. "I totally know what it's like I have kids a year apart." My response in my head- "Umm.. Not the same. Good try. You totally have no idea what it's like." Having kids a year apart I am sure has it's troubles and is hard too but it's not twins. 

People love twins. It's just a fact. Before I had my girls I had no idea
people reacted this way to twins. 

As hard as it is to have twins, it is still so rewarding. They sure are cute!
The girls and their God Mother Nancy
Whose driving here? 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Coffee Table

The vacation rental we went to had a large coffee table in the living room.  I noticed that the girls really liked to stand next to it and play. After a little while Elizabeth actually started to take some steps on her own while holding on to it. Of course as soon as I got home I just had to get a coffee table! Anything to help Liz learn to walk . 

On Saturday I went to our local thrift store and got a very large coffee table. It takes up a lot of room but I don't mind. It's perfect because the girls have something to work on and since it's from the thrift store I don't care if it gets messy up.

Here they are drawing a picture. They love to color! 
I am happy to report that Elizabeth can actually go all the way around the coffee table on her own now! Her therapist is very impressed. :) 

Monday, July 7, 2014

20 Months Old

This happens to me all the time.

My girls are officially 20 months old. Their corrected age is 17 months old. Corrected age means that since they were born 3 months early, you subtract the 3 months from how old they are and get their corrected age. 

When doctors look at their milestones they look at the corrected age. 

So here is an update on how the girls are currently doing-

Abigail is up and walking! Yay! She loves to say "tickle, tickle" and to give kisses. She is my big nap taker. Abby loves the water and bubbles. She continues to have physical therapy 3 days a week to help with her poor muscle tone. She has two doctors appointments next week at Johns Hopkins. She will see her Eye doctor and her GI doctor. 

Elizabeth has started to take some steps while holding on to the coffee table! This is very exciting. She is working on pulling up to stand on her own. Elizabeth loves to say "doggy" and calls every animal she sees a doggy. She is always up to go shopping or swing on a swing. Elizabeth has 4 days of therapy a week. 2 days of occupational therapy and 2 days of physical therapy. 

I'll let everyone know how the appointments go next week. 


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th everyone! And may the 4th be with you! :) 

Today is special because we get to spend another holiday as a family. We are currently on a family vacation at Colonial Beach, VA. Last year we didn't really get to celebrate the 4th because this time last year Abigail was still on oxygen and she also needed a feeding tube.

What a difference a year makes. I am so thankful for their health.

And just another cute picture from the vacation. The girls with their PaPa!